How to make vomit collecting

Content in the kit
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●Compact: The box transforms to vomit collecting.
●Clean: Your hands are protected and kept clean by plastic gloves.
●Fast: It is fast to solidify the vomits with special ingridients.
●Easy: It is easy to use with the illustrated instruction.
●Safe: Compare to conventional GELOPON, it contains extra accessories
such as a mask, an apron, shoe covers, and a cap for more secure and safer cleaning up vomits.
●Convenient: It is convenient to store with the compact box.

Including Extra 9 Accessories (plus the illustrated instruction)
●Minimum ordering unit:12
●Content:disposable mask, disposable plastic gloves, disposable apron, disposable shoe cover,
disposable cap, vomit solidify agent, plastic bag, paper towel, spatula, illustrated instruction.
●Capacity: vomit solidify agent/100g
●Size of box:400×300×H260mm
●JAN code:4 907887 630602
●Pamphlet of GELOPON-S: PDF file
(In order to open this file, you need to download either "Adobe Acrobat Reader" or "Adobe Reader". The free download of these applications are available on Adobe Systems Incorporated.)

How to make vomit collecting/content in the kit
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●Compact: The box transforms to vomit collecting.
●Clean: Your hands are protected and kept clean by plastic gloves.
●Safe: Compare to standard Gelopon (NO.175-W), in order to complete safer cleaning up vomit,
antibacterial agent from natural material and a mask are added as extra contents in the kit.
NO.177-W GELOPON-V(including antibacterial agent)
●Minimum ordering unit:12
●Content:plastic gloves, paper towel, spatula, plastic bag,
mask, vomit solidify agent, and liquid alcohol.
●Capacity: vomit solidify agent/100g liquid alcohol/50ml
●Size of box:200×50×H260mm
●JAN code:4 907887 630503
●Pamphlet of GELOPON V: gif file/
PDF file
(In order to open this file, you need to download either "Adobe Acrobat Reader" or "Adobe Reader". The free download of these applications are available on Adobe Systems Incorporated.)


How to make vomit collecting/content in the kit
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Easy and quick to apply and solidify vomits!
Any occations and places such as hotels, restaurants, schools, hospitals, and any facilities and any leisures are
appropriated to apply.
●Minimum ordering unit:12
●Content:plastic gloves, paper towel, spatula, plastic bag, vomit solidify agent
●Capacity: vomit solidify agent/100g
●Size of box:200×50×H260mm
●JAN code:4 907887 630305
●Click to see Pamphlet of GELOPON.
※This product does not contain antibacterial agent.

Click on image to enlarge |
Big bottle for professional use, contains 1.1Kg of vomit solidify agent!
No.176-W Professional GELOPON
●Minimum ordering unit:12
●Capacity: vomit solidify agent/1.1kg
●Numbers of bottle in the box:12 bottles
●JAN code:4 907887 630404
●Click to see Pamphlet of Professional GELOPON.
※This product does not contain antibacterial agent.
Copyright 2005 White Products Co.,ltd. |